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Specialised Equine Consultant
Fully Qualified - Fully Insured
Behavioural Trainer - Bodywork Therapist - Problem Solving - Ridden Training - Connection Training - Ground Work - Spook Busting - Liberty
Saddle Check - Bit & Bridle check
Equine Bodywork Therapy
Sub-Clinical Evaluation - Body Alignment - Myofascial Release Cranial & Sacral - Remedial Sports Massage
Physiological Balance
Whole Body Treatment!
I have the unique ability to help with both Behavioural and Bodywork issues...
Two things which are very often closely connected...
Behavioural problems can often be very much reduced or removed once your horse feels happier through
his/her whole body.
Behavioural Training
Performance Horsemanship
Communication - Lower Anxiety - Groundwork - Ridden work- Backing Youngsters - Young horse handling - Foal handling - Spooking - Barging - Loading
Rehabilitation & Returning to work
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